"Whispers of Faith" is One Month Old


I am still digesting what I did, how I did it and all the support that has been flooding my way since.

I never once questioned why I was being pushed to move ahead with this book.


From the very BEGINNING, there HAS BEEN and there is STILL



Took that risk, invest time and finance and most importantly trust people who joined this ride. Today, I stand in my most vulnerable skin whispering to me, you and us as we close off this year.

Four months ago, I first uttered this phrase “Whispers of Faith” and off, we ventured through this journey. What happened to me and to us along way feels like an entire life


Mid November 2017, as we neared the closing of this project, I was plunged into darkness and I lingered there for days.

But what happened exactly?


My faith was annihilated; that in which I have ever believed in was being washed away. This was the scariest part of this journey. How do I stand and talk about Faith for my Book Launch when I could no more believe in that which was handed over to me from the very beginning of this life?


How do I keep moving? How do I keep communicating to people who were part of the project?


The Gods, the Goddesses, the stories and the myths, they no more stood for me in that moment in time. I understood I was over them and this frightened me. Not that I no more believed in the UNSEEN, the UNFELT and the UNHEARD. My connection WITH, TO, and THROUGH Divine was being REWIRED. I was being REWIRED.


The inner violence and agony that I have been through were the results of me holding on to that which were being asked to be alchemized. I was chasing the bits and pieces of beliefs and patterns that were no more serving me.


Despite, my awareness, I was not fully able to SMOOTEN my steps through this darkness. Resistance is part of our human domestication until we reach a peak where our physical body will push us to surrender.


I went through that phase and it felt unfair. I saw, I felt and I heard myself crying, “Why Universe, you asked me to proceed with this project and why this agony now?”


Witnessing my entirety crumbling down and still having to move ahead for everything was set in motion for the Launch.

The launch happened and things happened way beyond my expectations and plan.


“Whispers of Faith” is one month old today.


Where do I stand right now?

I am still on my path, moving ahead. But no more the same, hear my heart whispers today:

1. Know that the ANNIHILATION of your FAITH is part of the PATH OF FAITH

There will be pivotal phases in our life when all that we have ever believed in, will crumble down for the real, for the true and for truth to step in.

It is part of a plan beyond us; whether we want it or not, we will be called in due time to release beliefs that hinder us from connecting deeper within without.

Whether we seek it or not, there will come a time when we will have to release limited patterns to step in our role to support the elevation of this world.


Where are you in this moment in time? What do you feel? What does your body say? What movies is your mind theatering ?

Know that as we release that which has served us, newness will step in. This is the promise from Life.


2. Initiation through Your Self

Whispers of Faith came to me as my initiation into my path of Faith

A path that asks to TRUST the UNSEEN, the UNFELT and the UNHEARD, that which dwells within, that which leads within, that which guides within and that which whispers within.

A path that asks to FEEL, SEE and HEAR DIVINE beyond what this world teaches us.

And this can be confusing, for I am intentionally choosing to use the word DIVINE, to intentionally VOID the space so that you find your WAY THROUGH.



Chaos is part and parcel of any initiation.

I have witnessed the chaos, I became Chaos and I emerged from Chaos into Grace.

But we have over-fanaticized pain as a key ingredient to growth. Pain happens because of resistance.


Where is resistance happening in your life? Seek help and release it.

Know that when you are initiated, you will be asked to release the old for the new to step.

You will have to be willing to lose everything,

to literally fail to connect to your self

Know that any initiation has for purpose to move you closer to Divine, closer to You.

In the end this is about you and you.


3. Compassionate Divine

Divine is utterly Compassionate. While you wiggle in agony, you are never left on your own, not even for a millisecond.

While it is easy to curse our circumstances, while it is even easier to embrace the fatality of our life, know that we have been and we will always be supported, guided, loved and led by something way beyond us.

Wherever you are in this moment in time, know that the love, the support, the guidance, the embrace that you are seeking, are right here with you surrounding you and humming for you.

If only, you would allow yourself to believe, to listen, to trust as you move ahead

What difference will it bring to your life, if you would pause just for a few seconds to listen, to believe and to trust your unknown knowingness?


4. Trust, Trust and Trust

We have been trained to seek logic and reasoning. Our mind says things, our body senses something else and our feeling knows what it knows not.

This is the perfect conflicting equation.


This is what I have learned.

Number 1:My Mind

My mind will drama through but I have a choice to follow  or not. My mind is such a magnificent tool that it will craft stories and movies and cloud my senses and my vision.

My mind roars control. But control for what, of what, of who?

Are you clouded? Is there an excess of information? Do you no more know what and who to trust?


Number 2: My Body

My human body is far way sensitive. My body senses that which I do not always hear, see and feel. My body knows which way is good for me, which place will drain me. My body is constantly communicating to me.

What is your body telling as you read those words? When did you last listen to your body?


Number 3: My Feeling

This unknown knowingness, we all have it. You have it too. And there is no logic to it

There is no instant validation for this unknown knowingness.

And this is how your trust and faith are reinforced – you trusting this unknown knowingness of yours.

We all have this one thing at least, that we know without knowing how. that one knowingness for which we have no logic, no explanations. Use that one unknown knowingness as a starting part to build your inner muscles as you walk your walk through.


Know that this is YOUR PATH and it is only UP TO YOU to find your WAY THROUGH

Know that as you START TRUSTING your


Know that whether you WANT it or NOT, you WILL eventually LOSE everything that COMES between YOU and YOUR ELEVATION

Know that every PROJECT will ASK of a DIFFERENT version of YOU

Know that as we USHER our WAY into 2018, we are being ASKED to SHIFT, to CHANGE and to TRANSFORM into something WAY BEYOND that which we KNOW

Know that a NEW YOU will be BIRTHED




My deepest wishes of love, light, abundance, gratitude and vibes for 2018

May this New Year open doors within without

May this New Year moves You Closer to You

Love Light Vibes

Megha Venketasamy


Photo @ Henna Sooneeram

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

How do you find your path?

We are standing at crucial point in time, another year drawing it’s end and we are many questioning our reasons for being present in this moment in time and the way forward.

These past weeks, I have been blessed to witness amazing human beings who are at crossroads and the questions that they keep asking is “How do I find my path? How will I know that this is the way to go? And what if I choose one way and then I end up missing the actual path?”


There is no one way to finding your path. No one can truly predict this life for you. But, there are some key triggers as move through with your questions.


1. No One can answer you, not even an Oracle

Know that this is your path and things will be shown to you and only to you.

As you grow in awareness of your inner world – beliefs, agreements, values, feelings, emotions, sensations, body and memories, you will then have a deeper understanding of how to shift in an empowering way to navigate through this life for your life.

Do not be fooled by anyone telling you that they will show you the way.

Facilitators and coaches play a role of guiding you to uncover your inner world but in truth, we are as novice as you to that which is happening within you


2. Let go of that which is weighing down

What is coming between you and you?

We have been taught and told to be this one, that one, the other and some other one.

No one never told and taught you that finding your path will ask of you to let go of everything that is not you, let go of the masks that you carry, of the things that are not aligned to your heart, let go of instances, places, relations, people that are not honoring you.


Truth be, we know, we see, we feel and we hear that which are not aligned to us. But we are a touch scared for if we let go of them all, what will become of us?

We will become more of us and as we become more of us, the rest flow in.

For you to step in, space is crucial. As you let go, space is created.


3. No wasted Energy

You may be one of those who have been exploring so many paths, creative flows these past years.

Know that there is nothing wrong. Trust that one day you will join the dots.

You may be in a white collar job right now, wondering whether all these acquired skills and competences will serve a purpose, were you to take the leap to create your own way.

Every tiny step, you have taken so far are serving a purpose in your present and they will serve a purpose in future.

There is no such thing as wasted energy on earth.

Those certificates and work experiences, they will serve their purpose regardless of where you land in life. Some of them will have to be released but the human experiences will never go to waste.

Be reminded of this!


4. Go with the flow

Give your self permission to go with the flow of life but be present to what “going with the flow of life” means.

In no way it means sitting here and waiting for things to happen. In no way it means letting others come in your space and pulling you in all directions. In no way it means following others blindly.


Going with the flow of life, means acting on your intuitive flow.

There will be moments when you will feel led, guided and called from within in a specific direction to the external world. Go ahead! Follow your calling for it comes from inside of you


Yes these are also times when having an open heart to heart conversation with a coach and a facilitator can prove to be crucial for you will be held in a way that will allow you to listen to your inner callings.

Move ahead and try that which your heart is attracted. Try that which carries no logic yet it sings to your heart like none.

How do you find this one? You know it, as you close eyes, you see, you feel and you hear your self doing that which sings to your heart like none.


5. Know that one day you will have to funnel it down

As much as it is healthy to explore, know that one day you will have to make a choice to funnel it down.

One day, you will have to pause and choose among the other choices that ignite you from within.

And I often hear this from clients, “what if this is not the right path? What if I miss out on the rest if I choose this one?”

There is no bulletproof answer to this one. But there are two keys to all this:


First Key – Inner Power

When you make a choice, you will start gathering a specific inner power to move through this choice. As you gather inner power, you grow deeper from inside. This is crucial, regardless of what will happen to you, growing into you is the most important part of your path.

Know that the mere act of choosing is enough for you are allowing yourself to grow.

Allowing yourself to go in itself will ensure that you will be lead exactly where you are meant to


Second Key – A choice is not The Path

There is no wrong or right choices. Your choices will flow lessons, love, wisdom and healing your way.

For this to happen, you will have to open up a touch through each step.

For this to happen, you have to understand that A choice is not The Path.


While what you choose can shape your life for years ahead, know that what you choose will also sharpen your intuitiveness through life, even if it means letting go of this choice in future.

It is you and your intuitiveness that find the way to your path.


And you will never know this unless you choose.


6. You have always been on your path

You are already on your path, yet no one told you this.

You have been on your path from the very beginning.

Your fears of failure and of getting hurt and the external world’s definition of what “being on the path” means, have kept you blinded from seeing that you have always been on your path.

If we were to ask you to pause just for a few minutes and scan your life of what you have known of so far, we are sure you will find bits and pieces and glimpses of how you have always been right where you are meant to be.


You do not have to quit everything and go on mountains and retreats to mediate. But yes, you have to start clearing the mess off your vision to see whatever is in front of you to allow your self to pave your way consciously from this moment onwards.

Meditation, prayers, yoga, life coaching are pathways that play a vital role for they bring you closer to you.


As we close off this one extra long blog,


Pause, Breathe and Know that You are Already on Your Path, whether You BELIEVE or NOT.

Know that You will have to KEEP CHOOSING, CHOOSE that WHICH SINGS to YOUR HEART

You will have to ALLOW YOUR SELF to be EMERGE



Photo by Justin Luebke on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Some Whispers of Truth

It’s been one week since we have launched “Whispers of Faith”.

I say “WE” for had it been not for the support, love, guidance and energy of collaborators, mentors, sisters, brothers , friends and for so many of you , this project would not be where it stands today.

This is what I have been through, here is what I saw, this is how I felt and these are what I heard.


We all enjoy being witness to the unveiling of some magic, of some awesomeness.

This awakens our inner dreamer, this inspires us and we aspire to bring our own magic unto this world.

Yet we rarely ever question the process behind. What brought someone to where she/he person stands today?



I am reviewing my own process at this moment in time. There’s much to say and share.


First and Foremost

It is easy to talk about FAITH, yet it feels fairily foolish to even try to sell stories of FAITH.


FAITH means to believe in the unknown, the unseen, the unfelt and the unheard. Faith is far beyond a belief. FAITH by default means that it cannot be shaken.

But FAITH is such path that is not devoid of doubts, confusions, pains, hurts and wounds.  Those of us, who will consciously walk the path of spreading FAITH, we will first and foremost be purged of everything that comes between us and that which we define as FAITH.


Doubts, Fears, Tears

Know that when you dive into a project, regardless of it’s depth and immensity, there will be great moments of awe as well as moments of doubts, fears, pains and freaking.

Most teachers do not talk about it. Rather, they ask you to REFOCUS and BE POSITIVE.

I say, FEEL what YOU FEEL. Own it, but know that this is temporary but most importantly know that this FEELING is here to TEACH YOU something about YOU.


Doubts and fears  do not just happen; they speak of your fears, of your stored wounds, of your unhealed parts.


We have all them. You have them and you may well be licking them right now for they were named.


This implies that you will freak out, you will want to quit, you will want to run away, you will want to bury your self  somewhere. Exactly how I felt all along way.


None of this means you are UNWORTHY. It may well mean that you are JUST OVERWHELMED and there are tiny butterflies asking to be LOOKED at WITHIN you. It may well mean that you have wounds that are asking to be healed.


What comes between YOU and FAITH?

What stops you from believing in life? Who cautions you from trusting life?

We are not even referring to people, objects or places but LIFE..

What is coming in your way to trusting that things can be unfold magnificently for you?


Can you feel it? Can you see it? Can you hear it?

That part of your unhealed self. Your VERY BEING.

That very part that you have bomb-stated within and then you live the same horror over and over again.


If there is anything hindering your way to believing in life, then that thing is inside you, ingrained deep within.

Unconsciously you have been nurturing it for years, now it is ingrained and interfering with you and your life.


We say, these are constructs; for most of life, you will construct your life unconsciously.


But when you grow a touch in your awareness, then it is up to you, solely up to you, to make a choice to start owning that which hurts, that which stinks, that which pains and that which burns within.


Know there is no end to all this

Life is an endless ride, there may be pauses but there are no stops.

Nothing ever stops. Even when you ask for pauses and for stops. Even when you pray for pauses and stops – know that the INNER WORKS GO ON.

This is a life where You will learn to EMBRACE your KIND of FAITH through the tears, pains and wounds.


None of these make you less of anything, even if you think you are less.

This is the truth of life and from life.


This is what I have been through, here is what I saw, this is how I felt and these are what I heard.


FAITH is an inside rhythm.

It happens between YOU and your KIND of FAITH.


And the RIDE is not OVER YET.


You may catch copies of Whispers of Faith

- Hard Copies – contact us directly on whispersofaith@gmail.com

- Soft Copies via Kindle - click here


Pausing, Standing Tall

Celebrating and Honoring Your Path, My Path, Our Path

Endless Love, Blessings, Light and Vibes

Megha Venketasamy


Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

What if there is no such thing as falling in love?


Have you ever thought of this one single thing – what if this “story of falling in love” that you have been feeding yourself, was just a fake story?

What if there is really no such thing as falling in love?

What if the truth is that love is always surrounding you?


You often see it through the beauty of nature for they do not pinge your soft wounded parts like other humans do.

Whether you believe in it or not

Love is always surrounding you within without


There are those moments you meet people with whom you connect immediately, then there is this flowing flooding love.

You claim to have fallen in love with that one person. You celebrate this new connection. You name it soul connection.

What if the truth is, you have unconsciously choosen love in that moment in time?

What if the truth is, you have unconsciously tapped into love in that moment in time?

You do not fall in love, you choose love.

You choose out of millions of possible reasons.


What I am saying seems counter-intuitive and almost hurtful.

Who am I to dare to shatter this story of yours? A story of falling into love?


In my work as a life coach, I am ongoingly learning how everything about life is a choice, even the act of allowing love inside your space is a choice.


Hear my gentle whispers now:

You choose love everyday but most of the times, you do it unconsciously.

This very choice of yours tells a story of the Love Ocean you carry within


You choose love everyday but most of the times, you do it unconsciously.

This very choice of yours tells a story of how you can keep on feeling love for people despite all.


You choose love everyday but most of the times, you do it unconsciously.

This very choice of yours tells a story of how you are into love

Being into love is the essence of what which you are


What you are being asked to do from this moment onwards, is to bring the unconsciousness to your consciousness.

At this moment in time, you have choosen love for some aspects, some people, some situations, some instances, some things. And there are other  aspects, other people, other situations, other instances, other things, for which, for whom , you have choosen unlove.


If you pause enough – you will see your own story being told to you.

Yes there are inner conflicts right now, emerging wounds,pains, cringing cries.

These confuse and make you believe that love is something you fall in outside your space.


Love is a choice. Even walking away from that which affects your ecology is an act of love.

Love is always a choice.

You have made of it an unconscious choice. What if for now onwards, you start observing, seeing, hearing, hearing and sensing that which you are choosing?


Know that your ability to choose Love, tells a story of someone who already carries an Ocean of Love within.

This is your truth and this is your Story.


Image: Davide Ragusa on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Today my forest is dark and smoggy and the butterflies are gone…

What if you were taught and told that being sad, gloomy and down is part of life?

What if you were taught and told that inner conflicts are a healthy aspect of life, that aspect that ensures that growth is happening?

What if instead of labeling you as “depressed”, we would simply state that “you are currently going through a phase and you are to stay with it until you learn that which is seeking your attention”?

Rosie Fraser on Unsplash.jpg

What if for one day, we choose to honor our diverse spectrum of emotions instead of running.

What if for today, we give our sadness a throne, not because we seek to be the eternal sad one but simply we choose to be human

Carl Jung said

“The word “Happiness” would not mean the same if it were not balanced by sadness”.


There is nothing wrong in being sad, in crying, in feeling pain. What is wrong is when one stays in that phase for far too long.

As much as we eat to stay alive, as much as breathing is essential for our life, so are the emotions that we carry.

Emotions either energize us or drain us.

Sadness plays its own role in our life. At times, sadness drains us – we all know this very well.

But sadness on it’s own is not a good or bad emotion, it is just an emotion. An emotion that tells us that somewhere something just did notgo accordingly to our expectations.

Sadness is this energy motioning through our body unto our life and then, things happen to us deeply.

Sadness heightened when we battle between whatever it is and whatever ought to have been.

And it is a normal reflex. It is just a phase until one learns to shift.

Shifting here means not just accepting things for what they are but rather owning responsibility for what one feels.  But acceptance happens only when you stay with whatever it is that is happening to you.

Next time, you are drowning in sadness be reminded that there is no need to haste your self into smiling; there is no need into trying to be positive.

Be reminded that nothing is wrong with you. Know that you have embarked on your learning path and one day all this will ease from your life.

Darkness is purposeful to the forest, while some sleep,rest and heal, others live,roam and sing.

If your forest is deep dark right now and all the butterflies are gone, know that this is purposeful, know that out of this darkness more life will emerge....

Know that a little bit more of you will emerge.


Know that there is nothing wrong in being sad.

You are being taught about your humaness, know that this process will support you in playing a bigger role unto this world.


Image: Rosie Fraser on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.






Know that you will have to dive into the transformative waters of life to get that which you want

Photo by jens johnsson on Unsplash.jpg

“What do you want? Given you are here today, where do you see yourself five years down? What is your objective for asking for a meeting? What do want to explore in today’s conversation that will make a huge difference for you?”

And this drill down to specific and when we get specific into “whatever we want”, we start activating life within without.

There are instances in one’s life where getting specific can be challenging. I have been there, so have you.

A clarity conversation hence serves the purpose of getting you to move through your inner cloudiness.

Having an image, a movie, a feeling, a sound, a sense of what you want will in turn activate a process- unseen, unfelt and unheard by you , so that what you want moves closer to you each seconds.


At times, our intentions take years to manifest and some never happen. There are endless reasons for this.


The one obstacle that I often see with people that I have journeyed with is their own resistance to shifting and changing into a being aligned to that intention of theirs.

Setting intention, taking actions and keeping track of progress are unfortunately not enough. There is one truth, when you set an intention to be at a different place in a near future, you have to understand that you cannot be the same person in that future.

When you set an intention for a future, regardless of how close or near that future is, it summons life’s energy. This summoning does many things – it ensures that your intention manifests at maturation, provided you invest energy and passion and work for it but it also ensures that when that intention manifests, You the Seeker – is ready in the most appropriate form to embrace that manifestation.


For example: if you have an intention of becoming a Yoga Instructor. You start a training journey of a yoga teacher. But the person who sets that intention was not a yoga teacher. This phase of the journey reaches fruition when that person shifts physically, emotionally, energetically and mentally to become something aligned with the set intention.

Change, transformation and metamorphosis were and are inevitable part this journey.

Most of us suffer along our journey because we resist changes – we resist end of relationships, change in diets, living habits, thinking patterns and polluted beliefs.

We are living beings.  Seriously do you expect your physical, emotional, spiritual and soul space be the same when you reach that set intention?

When you set intentions be groundedly aware that change, transformation, metamorphosis are part of this process. You will have to sift and shift and elevate to embrace that manifested intention of yours. You will have to let go of beliefs, habits, people, places, things. It will feel, seem and sound chaotic but it will ease and cease eventually.

Know that you will have to dive into the transformative waters of life to get that which you want

Image Source: Jens Johnsson on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Own Your Story Own Your Mess

So You live with a VAMPIRE

Every morning you wake up praying that the VAMPIRE will turn to beetroot juice instead of your blood

Milos Tonchevski on Unsplash.jpg

And whole day you cry about the VAMPIRE’s appetite for your blood

Still you go to bed every night, praying that the VAMPIRE will turn to beetroot juice in the morning

A VAMPIRE’S job is to SUCK blood

And your job is to keep away from VAMPIRES unless you are yourself a VAMPIRE or you are a NINJA who can knock VAMPIRES off.


In the work that I do as a facilitator and a coach – there is this one striking element, people do not shift unless until they own their story, their path; unless until they own their share of responsibility in whatever is happening to them in their life. Owning your share of responsibility in whatever is happening to you, is just the beginning of.


The point is – it is easy to blame it on VAMPIRES, on the WORLD, on your PARENTS, on your PARTNER, on RELIGION, on your PAST, on your CATS, on the WEATHER but ultimately it is always about you.


Even if it feels painful and challenging – any awakened facilitator will magik in such a way that he/she will bring it back to YOU. YOU, as the CREATOR of YOUR LIFE.


Owning your share of responsibility in whatever is happening to you within without is the beginning of a new shift, the start of healing and a letting go of what no longer serves you.



Do you often blame others?

Do you expect others to change and to align with whatever you have in mind?

Do you feel you are a victim and the world out there is monstrous?

Do you feel that people often use and abuse you?


Please know that somewhere along the line, you may well not be owning your share of responsibility in whatever mess you are in right now. For ultimately, it is not about people but about you.



Image Source: Milos Tonchevski on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Being in the Present Moment.......

You have all heard this one fatal phrase “Be in the Present Moment”.

For those of who have roamed enough in meditation groups, this one phrase must have been chanted to you over and over again. No doubt, you are endless who have wondered what is it that you are doing wrong for you are unable to be in the “present moment”, the way our teachers speak of.

I have tried endless techniques not to think of the past, of the future and yes, I went through endless rituals of “letting go”.

Then, I screwed my brains by declaring “self-dumbness”.

I have been there too until something clicked.

Being in the present moment does not mean forgetting about the past or not thinking of that future

Being in the present moment does not mean using some positive jargonic tools to camouflage any discomfort any fear any pains and any uncertainties

And being in the present moment does not mean using some hyper-advanced breathing technique to whoosh out that which dis-eases you


Being in the present moment means accepting things

for what they are in this moment in time

You may be trying hard to change jobs

You may be waiting for that one specific thing to happen and it has been a long wait

You may be in love and nothing is happening

You may be longing for some other lands

Maybe you do not know what is next

Maybe you are worried from this unknowingness


Being in the present moment means being with that which is happening in your space

Some things make us want to storm away

Some things make us rejoice in life


Being in the present moment means accepting things for what they are right now

With the awareness that as life evolves, seasons come and go, so will those things


Things will change, come what may

Things always change


How come things change when we are in the present moment?

Things start to shift as you grow into being in the present moment,

As you grow into acceptance, you are no more wasting your energy in resisting,

in being angry, in being sad and in being mad

You become grounded and as your groundedness deepens

Things start to shift when you grow into that state of acceptance.


A state is a deep rooted mind-body experience and your entire experience of anything is indicated by your state.

A state can be defined as - "what we feel, what's on our mind and what we feel an urge to do."


It is up to you to define what acceptance means, how acceptance looks like, how acceptance feels and how acceptance sounds.

Then use that state of acceptance strategically

When you are in your state of acceptance, you are no more struggling to shut off parts of your life.

You are just here, knowing that this is how things are right now right here.

Hence, there is no useless waste of energy, there is no struggle.


It is this very state of acceptance that will fuel your next steps.

It is through this very state that you will start plotting your next steps to shifting your life.

That state of acceptance can be used strategically to bring more awareness to you

What is working against you right now?

What is working in partnership with you right now?

What is the worst possible scenario?

Let’s plan now


We all need support and guidance to grow into our awareness. Even coaches are coached ongoingly, even coaches need ongoing support.


While you struggle with your present moment, pause and think about it – "what difference would it make to your life if you gave yourself permission to be supported and coached?"


What difference will it make your life to grow in your present moment?


In your present moment, with a heightened awareness that as life evolves, seasons come and go, so will those things



Image source:  Heath Thistle on Unsplash

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

The Future is made of the same stuff as the Past. – Jose Carleton

Your Past, Your Present and Your future is of one constant and that one constant is YOU.

YOU are that VERY STUFF that will make up YOUR FUTURE.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash.jpg

What it means is simple, if you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep getting what you have always gotten. The world does not change but you change. You make that choice to shift and as you shift and transform, so do your inner world. A shifted inner world brings out a completely different experience of the external world.

But how does one shift? How does one ever come to a stage where one grows in awareness that there’s a need to shift? How does one do that? But most importantly why does one do that? What is the need to shift, if ever there is such a need?

In coaching, we spend hours digging with the coachee. We go to the core to uncover along with the coachee – patterns, programs, beliefs, values, rules, agreements, relationships, identity, intentions, expectation and remembering. (We do more than that but I am keeping it simple right now)

A person is more than just his/her inner beliefs, values, rules, agreements, relationships, identity, intentions, expectation, remembering. But still, the amount of energy that that person invests in his/her beliefs, values, rules, agreements, relationships, identity, intentions, expectation and remembering, carry the potential to shape his/her world.

“Your life GROWS where you INVEST.”


So where are you investing right now?

Tell me more about your investment? Describe it to me? Help me understand so that I better hold space for you.

Show me how you do that investment?

If I were to get into the theatre of your mind – what will I see, feel and hear?

Is that investment supporting your growth? How do you know this investment is supporting your growth? What evidence do you have?


Are you confused? Did I confuse you?


Then let’s simplify things. Tell me about your self-talks.

What stories do you tell yourself? When you are with you in those moments in time, what words do use to talk to yourself? What do believe about yourself? What do you believe about this world? What do you believe about life?

Define growth for me. What do you believe about growth? What do you value about growth?

Are your self-talks adding value to your life/growth?

Are your beliefs supporting you to grow?

What pieces of evidence do you have as you answer each of these questions?


If that which you are doing right now is not supporting your growth, what are you deciding about it? What are you choosing to do? Remember it is all about you. You are the one Constant of Your Past, Your Present and Your Future.

Do you want to keep doing the same?

Fair enough, then remember

Your life GROWS where you INVEST.”


Your present will be become your Past.

You hold the POWER to be

your “KIND OF STUFF” stepping into that future.


Someone who steps into a coaching relationship does so with a specific objective geared towards a future. Keeping limited beliefs, unhealthy habits, unresourcefulness drain the energy and life out of your life. Most of the time, we go through life with much unawareness but as you grow into a little of your own awareness, it is becomes almost sinful to shut off to this life living within you.


Choices and decisions scare us for we hold no clue to a future future. There’s one undeniable truth, as you invest in opening up to what resonates to you, your life deepens and lightens, things that no longer serve you start living your space. Yes, you lose relationships, things, materials, places and spaces. But you lose all that no longer serves you.


Your Past, Your Present and Your future is of one constant and that one constant is YOU.


YOU are that VERY STUFF that will make up YOUR FUTURE.



Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

How can We find out who We are?

No coach, no Guru, no Book, no Religion, no God, no One can answer.

You will have to find out who you are. You are more than this humanness for sure.

And if you want to start somewhere, then start by letting go of :





How to find that “THAT WHICH”?

You already know that “THAT WHICH”

They are those very things that you TRY HARD TO CONTROL

They are those very things that are NOT TRUE TO YOUR NATURAL RHYTHMS.


And as you let go of “THAT WHICH” is not aligned to your natural rhythms, SOME THINGS START HAPPENING.

You start happening.

It will scare you, it will even hurt you

For you will lose Fakedness, Masks, Relationships, Materials and much more.

And as you start losing, part of you will try to hang on – you have been used to them, it’s just a reflex – nothing more.

And as you keep on that path, your destiny will open up to you.

A destiny that moves beyond this society’s prescriptions of what is right and wrong.

A destiny that connects you to your truest.


For The Unfolding of your Destiny, you have to start that journey to letting of “THAT WHICH” which is not YOU.


It feels, it hears, it sounds and it even looks scary but truth be, it is not for because  “THAT WHICH” is a scary thing , for “THAT WHICH” is that ought to have no place and space within without your world.


No coach, no Guru, no Book, no Religion, no God, no One can answer.

You will have to brave through this darkness and wave your heart through ..

This is a journey that belongs solely to you.


#Megha_Venketasamy #Meta_Coach

Image Source: Zhifei Zhou on Unsplash.jpg


Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Won't you open up


Won’t you open up to friendship my beloved?

We know you are struggling to trust

We know not much was given to you to trust

Yet not every man who moves close to you, will violate your boundaries


Won’t you open up your space my sacred one?

We know you have been bruised bad

We know you are holding on to your boundaries

Yet not every man who bows down to you, wants of your flesh


Won’t you open up to sweet words my love?

We know you have been shaken

We know your entire being in on alert

Yet not every man who compliments you, dreams of tearing your sacredness


Won’t you open up to love my precious one?

We know you are scared

We know you are holding on to your weary heart

Yet not every man who hums to you , sees you as some lustious meat


In a world where human beings have distorted the image of masculinity, 

women are scared to flow freely.

In a world where intimacy equates to sexual violation, 

women’s hearts are oozing fears instead of love

In a world where men are hurting from their blurred understanding of that which makes “a man”, women are fiercely closing up


Sisters, Mothers, Daughters, no matter what, regardless of all,

Keep your hearts open

Keep your hearts open for the sake of love, for the sake of life,

For the sake of the sacredness that leads within you

More than ever we need your openness

To awake the Sacred Warriors in Men

Those who will hum sacredness back into this world,

Into me, you and us……



Image source: www.pexels.com

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

He will never ...........

To you precious ones, you who so often forget that there is much more than this detailed list of yours. This same list that you work on so diligently and faithfully in that one coaching session “that which you are seeking in your life partner

Truth be, He is human and he will surely match and he will surely mismatch that which you are seeking

He rides his own shitty waves….



He will never match the one you drew of

He will be his beauty

You will have to learn to see beyond his skin

He will never communicate the way you expect of him

His silence will be stoned, still he will commune

You will have to learn to wave through the heart’s rhythms

He will never console the way you want of him

He will be that one vertebrate through your tides

You will have to learn to trust his steed

He will never open up the way you want him to

He will ooze his love through his beingness

You will have to learn to embrace his songs


He will never be

He will never commune to

He will never respond to

He will never equate to

That one profile on your endless list


He is riding his waves

He is own Kind of Kind

Cradle his Beigness or

Set him free for Someone who will commune to his Kind of Kind




Image source: https://bryanreeves.com

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Be Gentle with Your Heart – Your Preciousness is Emerging



Some of us will walk a path that tears us apart until we grow – a painful agonizing growth.

All growths do not have to be painful and all pains do not have to be agonizing.

Yet for some of us, it will deeply agonizing, for this is how we will finally learn to open up to life.

For some of us the path will be deeply shifting, for we will be called to let go of all the domestication and give way to that which is within to emerge.

We carry so much fakedness, we carry embedded fears – FEAR of DIFFERENCES, FEAR of the UNKNOWN, FEAR of the DARK, FEAR of LOVE.

The agony will come from that lack of love.

Love is not vicious; Love is not demeaning;

Love is not demanding; Love is certainly not narcissist

Love is just love.

When the agony steps in, it’s your own truth to love that makes you cry, for deep within you know that love speaks of another language, for deep within you know that all this is not real.

Love embraces; Love does not judge, love just be;

Love is patient for Love knows that one day we will tip

And we make a choice to LOVE or to DIE.


This path of yours is no easy. You have a choice, to keep going, or to step aside or to stay in the past.

Whatever you choose, it will grow your self into something.


Step aside and you will eventually rot. 

You will rot every possibility to growth, people, learning and to love.

Stay in the past, you will rot. 

You will rot every possibility to growth, people, learning and to love.

Keep going, you will rot. 

You will rot that which do not serve you anymore

You will rot of people, place, things, relationships, teachers,

teachings, every inches that do not serve you anymore.


And as the decaying deepens, nature will take over. This is the cycle of life, nature serving it’s purpose through you. Nature alchemizing magic through you as you grow into something less.

But this will not be an easy process, for you will hang on to that which used to be familiar – people, places place, things, relationships, teachers, teachings, every inches that used to be you.

If you are hurting right now, know that a huge part has to do with you hanging out.

And your forgetting of your own nature essence dis-serves you. It’s a cyclical life, that which are being taken away from you, will be replaced back by something way beyond, unknown to Divine at times.


It seems unfair because elevation and growth do not necessary

Happen according to our plans.

But plans do change, magic do shift, anything is possible.


So while you rot, keep this faith that everything will regrow from you - place, things, relationships, teachers, teachings, every inches.

This while, the growth will happen from within.


For once, forget about the deadlines, you are and you shall forever be a work in progress. There is no such thing as self-mastery, this rotting, this growing, this path happens in and through layers and through phases.


You are precious for this world way beyond your understanding.


Be gentle with your heart

Growth is happening

Be gentle with your self

Growth is no easy game

Be gentle

Your Preciousness is coming to Life

More than ever you need more of your gentleness



Image Source: http://likesuccess.com

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

My story leads, My story crafts, My story opens, My story heals.


I did not choose to here. My story led me to you in this moment in time.

I did not choose to be what I am. My story crafted that which I am in this moment in time.

I did not choose my dreams. My story opened the way through the unknown for this now.

I did not choose healing. My story healed my achedness for this now.


My story leads, My story crafts,

My story opens, My story heals.

But it was and is no easy path for this little frightened bruised heart that I was , that I am.

We all have bit and parts of us that we love most; that we exhibit most; that we water most; that we beam most.

We all have bits and parts of us that we conceal most; that we blot out most; that we alter most; that we hide most.

I have them too.

"Those childhood memories; that lover who crack you open; those moments where you felt not enough; that one endless argument with your mother; those friends that walked away never once to turn back; those dark nights; those bruises; those broken bones; those unshed tears."


I have them too. You have them too. We have them too.

Choosing them was not a choice. Choosing that which I concealed most, blotted out most, altered most and hidden most – was not my choice.

The truth is I have spent years running and my story has spent years chasing me. We have had this one strong Chaser-Runner relationship.

She chased harder and I ran harder.  Then there came a time when I triumphed and celebrated the mastering of the runner pace, overjoyed for I had knocked off my story. A short celebration, for soon I was standing on that cliff. A mere whoosh would have tripped me off from life. That moment, I stood in knowingness that I was dying, everything within without was fading of its life.

“If we are dying, let’s die knowing that we have tried. Come what may, I will keep calling your name until you come back home to me.”, whispered my story

One Whisper, One Shiver, One Heart Beat and I took the way back home to my story.

I stopped running. A move that brought to my awareness aching muscles, cranking bones, strained pulses, shallow breaths, racing heart, blistered soles.

From then on, I would wake up every day to one story. It would be me and my story, naked intimacy, heart to heart, pains to pains, tears to tears.

Agonizing paralysis, me with that concealed most, blotted out most, altered most and hidden most of me.

And She hummed (she still does):

"How can you lead when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you become when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you dream when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you heal when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?"

A trance that would last until we would come to an embrace; until that story would reveal her beauty to my beauty; until that story would lead me to my alchemist; until that story would whisper her secrets to my secrets.

For the last seven years, I have been waking up every day to this simple process and I still do.

Not like I am done with my runner and chaser game – it still comes up. Compulsion!

But it does not last for long and I certainly do not reach that cliff anymore.


“We all have bits and parts of us that we conceal most; that we blot out most; that we alter most; that we hide most.

Choosing them is hardly ever a willing choice. Yet choosing them is the only way out of this agony. Choosing them is choosing you. Your story will lead, Your story will craft, Your story will open, Your story will heal. Your story will gift you with your deepest essence. You story will gift you to you. This is your way to wholeness”


Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

My Little Life

When I looked back at what I did and where I have been through.

It feels like many lives already. It feels like I have constantly been paving my own path despite the fact that there was already a pre-defined plan for me.

A corporate job with a heavy package, a marriage with a home, a “yes daughter” to all.


Yet I just kept moving from them all.

I have no idea why except that my little heart knew there was more to this little life of mine.

Not like I was not afraid, I was and I was not great at articulating my woundedness unless until I had alchemized them.

I am still not good at it.


So people in my space never quite understood this swirling of mine. They still don’t. My stubbornness took it over and I kept going even through the bruises.

It feels like I have been using my free will without being aware of it for years.

It has been a path loaded with choices and consequences. I have been glorified and I have also been cursed by others. Not like, I did not poison my self with what others were saying about me. I did but eventually but I have learned to just mind my path and not make agreements with what others think of me and about me. And I am still learning that though.

Right now at this moment, pausing to look into that which I have become, I will say that I am simply more of that little dreamy girl who soaked for hours with her little heart buried in words.

I have become more of that little one with wings on her legs, hearts in her eyes and magic in her laughter and cheekiness in her arms

I have become more of that my dreams.

Maybe the truth is, my dreams have bestowed endless blessings unto me.


Maybe the lesson was simply this:

“Yes there is a pre-defined plan for us. Most of us shall live our lives through that pre-defined plan too afraid to venture outside. Then once in a while someone will rise above this plan for the sake of her/her heart’s dreams. This rising will teach that person about the gift of free-will. And as that person grows into awareness of this gift, that person will be taught to fight for it. For the only way to mastering this gift is by putting it into use.... "

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.