

When I met Megha, my heart was broke... so I went there in an effort not to die...

And I went to know you and the others. But why you became my sister? why we meet again on december or november why I call you when you are sad or you do something when is me who is sad...

I think that nothing is coincidence. I think that my heart and yours are old friends, maybe part of something together. I dont know but I feel so close to you, just a serenity that came from long, so long ago...

That's my whisper, we make good to each other I don t have any idea about why. I just enjoy to have you in my life. S.D.E, Argentina

I have known Megha for a few years but it was only recently that I had a coaching session with her. I really appreciated the way she helped me sort out my issues. She would listen actively to me and ask the right questions. In fact, she made me realise that I always had the key to all my issues but it was lost in a darkness and that I had to be the light which would help me find that key. I am really grateful to her for taking time to help me out, for her patience, for her listening, for her follow-ups, for her encouragement and for her support. A special thanks for her daily posts on Facebook which really touch me deeply when I read these.  N.J, Mauritius

Megha was the Project Manager and Deputy Champion of the Women In Politics team (a wing of *WIN Ltd) and I had the honour to assist her for some administrative works for a training in “Basic electoral skills” held for women conducted by Women In Politics.

 During this time, I discovered her passion for the cause, how meticulously she would handle all that is logistics, communication, preparation of presentation slides, etc. Furthermore, she she has also coached me, on a one-to-one basis, till I discovered more about myself and my true call. P.J, Mauritius

J'ai toujours aimé les pourquoi et les comment. Et j’ai toujours cru que les nombreux livres de développement personnel que je lisais, suffisaient à combler mes interrogations. Puis, j’ai croisé ta route. Et étonnement, ce que je pensais savoir, a pris une autre dimension.

J’ai adoré nos conversations. Tes questions (avec leurs airs souvent anodins) m’ont poussée dans mes retranchements.  Tes observations, m’ont subtilement amenée à me remettre en question. Avec toi, j’ai pu toucher des choses profondes et surtout tu m’as donné envie d’aller plus loin.

Mais, je crois que ce qui a vraiment changé c’est que tu m'as permis de mettre des mots sur ma manière de penser et d'agir. Depuis, à chaque fois que je me surprends à retomber dans mes travers ou que je manque de confiance en moi, je repense à tes dires et je me sens rassurée. Petit à petit, je suis en train de me débarrasser de mes conditionnements. J’apprends à croire en moi et en mes potentiels.

Je ne pourrai jamais assez te dire merci pour l’impact que tu as eu chez moi. On a besoin de personnes comme toi pour redonner à ce monde sa dimension poétique. C.J, Mauritius

Sometimes we do not need to be acquainted with someone for long periods of time to be able to figure out that this is the person you should let in your life...

I have just had the opportunity to meet Megha, once only If I may say... yet we have been exchanging  a few messages...and I could feel that something was there, something which says ..o.k. go along talk to that person, she will understand , she will have a listening ear, and she will reply..

It is important to have the person on the other side reply to you... in fact I would say it is very important to answer back... answering back is not refuting ...answering back is proving that you have a listening ear...

If the person on the other side has no listening ear...then its like talking to a deaf...and very often the other person needs to hear something... however futile it might be...knowing that you are being listened to give you a sense of importance... yet very few people think and believe like this...

So, after knowing Megha for a little while only... what I can say is that ...in her...u are sure to find a listening ear... n...a listening ear will always...I mean always be here to ease ur pain.. to just lend a helping hand.. to just guide u on the path... to be just here ...not even making a single move...yet u know someone is here...and believe me there is no better feeling than knowing that there is someone here...

My whispers are that...Megha thank you for having a listening ear and for replying. B.B, Mauritius