Empowered Living

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Balance an Ever Dynamic Dance

These past months ushered intensity in ways I have not experienced before. Four months through the steepest inward descend, I am gently yet fiercely emerging allowing balance to own it’s rightful place.

Our human body, this temple knows its way to balancing,

to reaching, to being and to doing equilibrium.

I am witnessing how the world that we live in, has cut off from this essence, from this truth.

When we pause long enough to listen, there is this intuitive flow that guides us to whatever it is that we need most at specific times.

Our physical body does not operate in isolate. We are an intricate system of emotions, chemicals, atoms, molecules and through it all, energy is the essence and the core.

I believe there is an intelligence within us that knows it’s way to achieving balance at all levels. This intelligence is alive, in motion, in service, in support, in guidance, in leading within each one of us.


What we go through, how we go through, our lifestyles, our inner world, our beliefs, our agreements, our narratives, our fears, our wounds, our trauma, our hopes, our dreams, our desires, our passions, our expectations, our disappointments, our celebrations, our beginnings, our endings, our emotions, our feelings, our reacting, our responding, they all impact on our inner equilibrium.


June 2010, I made a choice to end my 10years heavy medical allergic treatment with no back up. It would take me months to learn to trust that all I had to do was to give my physical body space to walk it’s way to balance while learning to tend to both my draining and healthy cycles, patterns, narratives, reacting, and responding.

It has been a long journey since; my physical body has healed in ways that cannot be explained. These past 8years, we had uncovered diseases, unexplained peaks of triglyceride, high probability of fibromyalgia, clinical depression, high inflamed sciatic nerves, shoulder sciatic, unexplained prolonged head aches, Post Traumatic Syndrome & Post-Secondary Traumatic Syndrome, the list is endless.

Each time, I have been diagnosed with one such so called disconnected disease, I would pause long enough and whisper “we will show you”.

“We will show you”, is my way of roaring that the entirety of “Whatever I am” does not and will not conclude an agreement with the diagnosis.

I am not negating the help of medical science but modern medicines treat us as disconnected operating parts. In recent years, quantum physics have been surfacing wisdom in a more understandable or rather acceptable ways. Quantum Physics is now bringing evidence of an interconnected life within and with the outside world, how gratitude impacts, how prayers miles away can heal and how one tiny butterfly can either cause a havoc or birth a new world. None of these are aliens to our psyche, for deep within, there is this intelligence that still taps into this wisdom passed through our ancestors, be it through the way we are called to honor food, life, earth and healing through nature.


Since 2010, I have learned to hold myself to this trust that my body is always working towards equilibrium and my job is not to get in it’s way.

I recommend that whoever seeks to engage consciously, actively and with full awareness on such path, to please seek support from grounded facilitators.

There are endless unconventional modalities that support humans holistically be it through energy healing, movements, art of breathing, meditation, creative expressions, coaching.


On my own journey, my focus has been on reconnecting with my body temple. I have immersed myself in yoga, energy works, healing, coaching, arts and creative expressions, movements works, nature, intentional rituals, my menstruation cycle and trauma works.


When we begin to trust this intelligence that dwell within, there is wave of transformation that ushers in and one step at a time, we are transformed from what we eat, to how we speak, from our hair to our toes.

Balance right now is not the same Balance in coming hours or months or years.

Our job is not to get in the way of our Balance. Our job is not to control our equilibrium but rather to play an active role in walking towards our inner Balance.

And we start playing that active role, our inner balance shifts our outer world,; relationships, people, places; food, breathing, work, creating and much more.


2019 is my year of speaking, spreading, whispering, talking, teaching, learning, creating, co-creating, unlearning about cycles. As a Circle Facilitator and an Em-Powerment Coach for Women, I thought I had understood the essence of cycles yet these past months I was swirled into my own cycles.


For two weeks now, I have been consciously rewiring my brain. This rewiring is a grounded choice pertaining to what has emerged for me. Rewiring is not unknown to us yet we are not many to do it consciously.


I have much to share, to say, to whisper, to give and to receive.

In coming weeks and months, I will dive deeper in my sharing.

I believe the juiciness and ripeness of our stories are meant to be shared as prayers for self and collective.


As I ease my way through my sharing, I invite each one of you to pause and let these words seep deep within. You may agree or disagree, you connect or disconnect with me, know that there is space for it all. My intention is not to seek alignment nor agreement but rather to ignite conversations that will serve the purpose of moving us to question, to query, to seek and to challenge with the intent of elevating awareness and living consciously.


I will love to hear from you.


Love from my heart to yours


Megha Venketasamy

Image source: Alexander Krivitshi @Unsplash 

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2019. All rights reserved.

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