Empowered Living

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|These words are an invitation. Sit with the words, see, feel and hear what show up for you. May you be reminded that our experiences are unique and individual and hence, catch yourself gently through any attempts to compare your life with someone else’s.|


The state of “stuck” is in truth, the meeting with numbed energy within the body.


When women heave how stuck they have been for hours, days, weeks and months, it tells a story of something in active happening.

We tend to believe that being stuck is an inactive process, similar to inertia. However the state of being stuck means that energy has been actively invested to close something or to keep a part shut off or to tie parts together or to freeze part of ourselves and then our body, our system reach a point where the doors break open and the waters flow loose.


It is similar to building a wall right through a river and then the water is held for sometimes, decay may start in that specific place until flood shows up and the waters break loose. When waters break loose, what the putrefaction, the decay, the smell, the sounds will cause dis-ease until ease find it’s rightful place.


We move swiftly around to try to hold it all back together. None of our attempts work.


We try to make sense of it, we think, we logic, we read, we research and we come up theories. We try methods after methods.

In this crazy moving, we miss out on the intelligence that is showing up to us, through us, within us and for us.


What worked at one point, the numbing, the freezing, the shutting off, this intelligence is now kicking, for it knows that it has done it’s share and time for it to be put to rest.

The body is highly informative through this process. As we begin to pause to breathe, we begin to hear.

The one attempt that most women do (I have no doubt that men do alike), we try to find stories to the movements in the body. This intricate intelligent system of ours cannot be understood through stories rather, we meet our bodies and our state of “stuck” through feeling our way through it.


One simple practice when this state of “stuck” is experienced is:

Bring awareness to your heart center, try long and deep inhalation with focus on the center of your chest, without having to touch your body.

If you are unable to feel the center of your chest, then place your palms on the center of your chest and from that space begin to deep your inhalation and exhalation.

 As you inhale and exhale, say these movements to yourself “Movement, it is. Movement, it is. Movement, it is.”


This practice though it may seem simplistic, provides the support as one moves to sink into the body. When frozen part are awaken, it asks of us to take ownership of that part of us that is now available to us.

While we speak of trauma and healing, the relating to the body is crucial, the conversation with the body is an integral part of the process.


Love from my heart to yours

Love from my womb to you

Love from my body to yours

Love from my nervous system to yours

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2021. All rights reserved.

Creative Work & Video © Megha Venketasamy, 2021

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