Empowered Living

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What if it really does not matter what you do but how you do whatever you do?

How will this change what you choose to do with your life?

What if your contribution to this world is not dependent upon discovering a new meditation technique or following a guru, but rather upon becoming present to your present and deeply appreciating yourself and the world as they are right now?

How will this affect your search for spiritual development?


What if the question is not why am I infrequently the person I want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really am?

How will this change what you think you have to learn?

What if the essence of who you were, who you are and who you will be, have always been enough?

How will this shift how you see, feel and hear about your past, present and future?


What if life is about balancing light, dark, pain, pleasure, death and birth with compassion, gentleness, kindness, openness and inclusiveness towards self, first and last?

How will this affect how you feel when you wake up every morning?

From 9th June to 19th June, I immersed myself with a wave of change makers,  Michael Hall, the Founder of The International Society of Neuro Semantics, along with trainers and coaches in the making from across the globe.


The reason why I landed where I landed, I owe it to “a shaken frightened unsure version of me in September 2015 ”, I had set an objective of being on the assist team to supporting emerging coaches in five years to come.

An objective that I had forgotten since and a life that I kept walking on, until March 2019, I went back to check the 2015 set objectives.

I smiled, no wonder, my entire life crumbled down, whatever I had constructed and built before September 2015 was washed away post September 2015. I was kicked out of my comfort space to own my self.


What was present in my space back in September 2015 that led to the materialization of my objectives?

What can I share that you may use in your own intentional objective setting?


Vulnerability, I was sore to my core, I was present to some of my deepest longings, needs, pains, wounds, fears, wants and desires. Beyond all, I was present to my callings, I heard my self. I saw my self. I experienced my self.

This was enough to catapult my life ahead.


Vulnerability is that space of being utterly honest towards self, there is no bullshitting, no shying away and no masking.  It is a deep place of power. A space of courage, for navigating in unknowingness is courageous, calling upon the whispers of the heart.

Magic happens when one sees oneself but also when one allows others to witness oneself. We move to a deep space of learning, growing, glowing and deepening of love.


This journey started with one question and here I am, open, raw,

walking into the unknowingness of the next.

Among all the questions that I have shared, I cannot choose which one moves me most and deepest. I am sitting with them and I invite to sit with them.


As you sit with them, may you gift yourself the gift of vulnerability, for unless you are broke open will your magik ooze within without.


May courage dwell in navigating the unknowingness of life

May faith lead each step in the unknowingness of life

May Love Usher within and without


Love from my heart to yours


Megha Venketasamy

Image source: Daniel Burka @ Unsplash  

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2019. All rights reserved.

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